***Challenge Completed***
Hosted by: Bookish Ardour
Dates: 1 January - 31 December, 2012
"This challenge is to read those books you own a copy of, print, digital, and audio, you have been meaning to read, but never gotten to. If you don’t own enough books for the challenge you can read your TBR list instead. And no, you do not need to get rid of your books afterwards, that’s completely your choice, this challenge is only to read them." (quoted from the challenge announcement page)
- Only books acquired (or listed) before 2012 are eligible.
- Sign up until the last two weeks of December 2012.
- Any genre is allowed.
- Crossovers with other challenges are allowed.
- You can change levels at any time.
- eBooks, short stories, and graphic novels are allowed.
- You don’t need a blog to join in.
- There will be a link for reviews.
- Tempted– Choose 5 books to read
- Trying – Choose 15 books to read
- Making A Dint – Choose 30 books to read
- On A Roll – Choose 50 books to read
- Flying Off – Choose 75 books to read
- Hoarder – Choose between 76-135 books to read
- Buried – Choose between 136-200 books to read
See my original post about the challenge here.
See the challenge announcement page here.
See the link for reviews here.
See my challenge wrap-up post here.
MY READING LIST (books read; with links to reviews):
- Spiderweb. Penelope Lively
- The Players Come Again. Amanda Cross
- The Inn at Lake Devine. Elinor Lipman
- Liberty. Garrison Keillor
- A Month in the Country. J.L. Carr
- The Horned Man. James Lasdun
- Seven-Day Magic. Edward Eager
- Tyrannosaur Canyon. Douglas Preston
- A Man Lay Dead. Ngaio Marsh
- Artists in Crime. Ngaio Marsh
- The Key: A Miss Silver Mystery. Patricia Wentworth
- The Warden. Anthony Trollope
- Right Ho, Jeeves. P.G. Wodehouse
- Dead Man's Folly (Hercule Poirot series). Agatha Christie
- The House at Riverton. Kate Morton
Afternoon Men. Anthony Powell
The Big Sleep. Raymond Chandler
Buddenbrooks. Thomas Mann
The Circular Staircase. Mary Roberts Rinehart
Cranford. Elizabeth Gaskell
Death of a Hollow Man. Caroline Graham
The Debut. Anita Brookner
English Music. Peter Ackroyd
Flaubert's Parrot. Julian Barnes
The Forgery of Venus. Michael Gruber
The Geographer's Library. Jon Fasman
Heroic Measures. Jill Ciment
If on a winter's night a traveler. Italo Calvino
Inkheart. Cornelia Funke
The Inn at Lake Devine. Elinor Lipman
Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte
July and August. Nancy Clark
Lethal Legacy. Linda Fairstein
Liberty. Garrison Keillor
Loop Group. Larry McMurtry
Los Alamos. Joseph Kanon
The Mists of Avalon. Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Moonstone. Wilkie Collins
The Pale Horse. Agatha Christie
Providence. Anita Brookner
The Saint Bids Diamonds. Leslie Charteris
The Secret Adversary. Agatha Christie
The Sign of the Book. John Dunning
Silver on the Tree. Susan Cooper
Three Junes. Julia Glass
Travels with My Aunt. Graham Greene
The Warden. Anthony Trollope
The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag. Alan Bradley
POSSIBLE CHOICES (non-fiction):
Books: A Memoir. Larry McMurtry
A Gentle Madness. Nicholas A. Basbanes
In Cold Blood. Truman Capote
Just Kids. Patti Smith
Manhattan '45. Jan Morris
The Pattern in the Carpet. Margaret Drabble
The Year of Magical Thinking. Joan Didion
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